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Data Types in Programming

2024-07-05 12:41| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

In Programming, data type is an attribute associated with a piece of data that tells a computer system how to interpret its value. Understanding data types ensures that data is collected in the preferred format and that the value of each property is as expected.

Data Types in Programming

Data Types in Programming

Table of Content

What are Data Types in Programming?Common Data Types in ProgrammingCommon Primitive Data Types in ProgrammingCommon Composite Data TypesCommon User-Defined Data TypesDynamic vs Static Typing in ProgrammingType Casting in ProgrammingVariables and Data Types in ProgrammingType Safety in ProgrammingWhat are Data Types in Programming?

An attribute that identifies a piece of data and instructs a computer system on how to interpret its value is called a data type.

The term “data type” in software programming describes the kind of value a variable possesses and the kinds of mathematical, relational, or logical operations that can be performed on it without leading to an error. Numerous programming languages, for instance, utilize the data types string, integer, and floating point to represent text, whole numbers, and values with decimal points, respectively. An interpreter or compiler can determine how a programmer plans to use a given set of data by looking up its data type.

The data comes in different forms. Examples include:

your name – a string of charactersyour age – usually an integerthe amount of money in your pocket- usually decimal typetoday’s date – written in date time formatCommon Data Types in Programming:Data Types in Programming

Data Types in Programming

1. Primitive Data Types:

Primitives are predefined data types that are independent of all other kinds and include basic values of particular attributes, like text or numeric values. They are the most fundamental type and are used as the foundation for more complex data types. Most computer languages probably employ some variation of these simple data types.

2. Composite Data Types:

Composite data types are made up of various primitive kinds that are typically supplied by the user. They are also referred to as user-defined or non-primitive data types. Composite types fall into four main categories: semi-structured (stores data as a set of relationships); multimedia (stores data as images, music, or videos); homogeneous (needs all values to be of the same data type); and tabular (stores data in tabular form).

3. User Defined Data Types:

A user-defined data type (UDT) is a data type that derived from an existing data type. You can use other built-in types already available and create your own customized data types.

Common Primitive Data Types in Programming:

Some common primitive datatypes are as follow:

Data Type



Integer (int)

represent numeric data type for numbers without fractions

300, 0 , -300

Floating Point (float)

represent numeric data type for numbers with fractions

34.67, 56.99, -78.09

Character (char)

represent single letter, digit, punctuation mark, symbol, or blank space

a , 1, !

Boolean (bool)

True or false values

true- 1, false- 0


Date in the YYYY-MM-DD format (ISO 8601 syntax)



Time in the hh:mm:ss format for the time of day, time since an event, or time interval between events



Date and time together in the YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss format

2024 -01-01 12:34:20

Common Composite Data Types:

Some common composite data types are as follow:

Data Type



String (string)

Sequence of characters, digits, or symbols—always treated as text

hello , ram , i am a girl


List with a number of elements in a specific order—typically of the same type

arr[4]= [0 , 1 , 2 , 3 ]


Blocks of memory that are dynamically allocated are managed and stored


Common User-Defined Data Types:

Some common user defined data types are as follow:

Data Type



Enumerated Type (enum)

Small set of predefined unique values (elements or enumerators) that can be text-based or numerical

Sunday -0, Monday -1


allows to combining of data items of different kinds

struct s{ …}


contains a group of data objects that can have varied data types

union u {…}

Static vs. Dynamic Typing in Programming:CharacteristicStatic TypingDynamic TypingDefinition of Data TypesRequires explicit definition of data typesData types are determined at runtimeType DeclarationProgrammer explicitly declares variable typesType declaration is not requiredError DetectionEarly error detection during compile timeErrors may surface at runtimeCode ReadabilityExplicit types can enhance code readabilityCode may be more concise but less explicitFlexibilityLess flexible as types are fixed at compile timeMore flexible, allows variable types to changeCompilation ProcessRequires a separate compilation stepNo separate compilation step neededExample LanguagesC, Java, SwiftPython, JavaScript, RubyType Casting in Programming:Converting a single data type value—such as an integer int, float, or double—into another data type is known as typecasting. You have the option of doing this conversion manually or automatically. The conversion is done in two ways, automatically by the compiler and manually by a programmer.Type casting is sometimes known as type conversion. For example, a programmer can type cast a long variable value into an int if they wish to store it in the program as a simple integer. Thus, type casting is a technique that allows users to utilize the cast operator to change values from one data type to another. Type casting is used when imagine you have an age value, let’s say 30, stored in a program. You want to display a message on a website or application that says “Your age is: 30 years.” To display it as part of the message (a string), you would need to convert the age (an integer) to a string.Simple explanation of type casting can be done by this example:Imagine you have two types of containers: one for numbers and one for words. Now, let’s say you have a number written on a piece of paper, like “42,” and you want to put it in the container meant for words. Type casting is like taking that number, converting it into words, and then putting it in the container for words. Similarly, in programming, you might have a number (like 42) stored as one type, and you want to use it as if it were another type (like a word or text). Type casting helps you make that conversion.Types of Type Casting:

The process of type casting can be performed in two major types in a C program. These are:

Implicit – done internally by compiler.Explicit – done by programmer manually.Syntax for Type Casting:

variableName = () value;

Example of Type Casting:1. Converting int into double C++ #include using namespace std; int main() { int intValue = 54; double doubleValue; doubleValue = intValue; cout How to Learn Programming? Next Article Variable in Programming Please Login to comment...






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